We have all probably turned on an LED with the classical 5V + 330 (or so) Ohm resistor combination. Failing to limit the current would result in a burnt LED. Besides resistors, one may also use LED drivers to control their brightness and limit the current going through them.
The LED1642GW by ST is one of such LED drivers. It sinks current, has 16 channels and can be controlled by an external MCU through a serial link. This article documents how to achieve such control with the help of an STM32F401CCU6 microcontroller.
The end result is the following, a constant fade in/out of LEDs achieved by varying the brightness to which the LED1642GW channels are set.
Note that the blinking can’t be perceived by the human eye but gets picked up by the camera.
As can be seen in the video, 5V are used to power the LED1642GW IC and LEDs. Capacitors were placed on the LED rail as well as on the LED1642GW supply terminals, this is recommended by the datasheet.
To properly function, the LED driver requires a PWCLK signal which the internal counter uses. The required frequency depends on whether the internal counter is using 12 or 16 bits. In this case the counter was configured to use 12 bits, so a 500 KHz frequency is used for PWCLK.
Finally an external resistor (R-EXT) is needed to set the reference current. A value of 12k Ohms was used.
Since this chip is only available in SMD packages, a breakout board was used, this makes it possible to place it on a protoboard.
Serial Communication
The protocol used is custom so I was not able to integrate it with any existing hardware module on the MCU. Three pins are used:
- Clock
- Data
- Latch
A transmission block consists of 16 data bits together with N amount of clock cycles with latch HIGH, the amount of cycles determines the register where data will be written (command executed).
A bit bang approach was used, it is based on a timer which works as a reference by generating interrupts at 100kHz (same frequency used by I2C in standard mode). A register keeps track of whether the clock should rise/fall and sends the data and latch bits before turning the clock pin HIGH.
This last point is important. During testing it was found that communications would fail if the clock goes HIGH before the data line.
All of this is performed in the timer ISR. A code excerpt can be seen below. It uses FreeRTOS API calls to notify the main task that transmission has ended. The link to the full code can be found on the “Tips” section.
// Datastore to keep track of the transmission state
struct Message {
uint32_t data;
int size;
int latch;
// State machine, called by the ISR
void led1642_transmit(void) {
if ((message.data >> message.size) & 0x01) { sdo_on(); }
if (message.latch > message.size) { le_on(); }
void led1642_set_brightness(const uint32_t brightness) {
message.data = brightness;
for (int idx = 0; idx < BRIGHTNESS_REG_COUNT - 1; idx++) {
message.size = TWO_BYTES;
message.latch = BRIGHTNESS_LATCH;
// Turn on timer and transmit 16 bit block
// Wait for transmission to end
ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY);
message.size = TWO_BYTES;
// Last brightness value must be sent with a different latch, see datasheet
ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY);
void TIM2_IRQHandler(void) {
if (TIM2->SR & TIM_DIER_UIE) {
if (message.size >= 0) {
if (rising) {
} else {
rising = !rising;
} else {
// Turn off timer and notify message has been sent
TIM2->CR1 &= ~(TIM_CR1_CEN);
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(led1642TaskHandle, NULL);
TIM2->SR = 0;
Transmission examples
To better illustrate the protocol, two transmission blocks recorded with a logic analyzer will be shown. The upper signal corresponds to the latch, the middle one to the clock, and the bottom one to data.
The command below places latch HIGH for the last 7 clock cycles, according to the datasheet this corresponds to the “Write Configuration Register” command. All but the 15th bit are set to their default value of 0. This last bit sets the counter to its 12 bit mode.
This other command turns ON all 16 channels. It can be seen that the latch now corresponds to the “Write switch” command.
During the realization of this project, a few issues were found, here are some tips that may help other souls.
- Setting up timers on the STM32 platform may be confusing at first. Check your clock tree to see which frequency is fed to your timers, and remember that APB1 frequency is multiplied by two (2x) if the prescaler is not equal to 1.
- If your LEDs blink or turn on/off randomly, try increasing PWCLK or using the counter in its 12 bit mode.
- A Logic Analyzer will help you keep your sanity, for such low frequencies a cheap one will be more than enough.
Finally, the complete code implementation can be consulted here.